In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful,

the Most Compassionate

Praise be to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon Muhammad,

and upon his family and companions, and all those who follow him

Daripada Umar berkata: Nabi SAW telah bersabda:
"Sesiapa yang membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jumaat, maka bersinarlah cahaya daripada bawah kakinya hingga ke langit. Untuknya cahaya dihari kiamat dan diampunkannya antara dua jumaat" (HR. Ibnu Katsir)

It is recommended to recite Surat al-Kahf completely the night before Friday, and it is also recommended to do so Friday itself, before Maghrib time. Ibn Abidin said, And it is best to do so early on Friday, in order to rush to the good and to avoid forgetting. [Ibn Abidin, Radd al-Muhtar, Bab al-Jumu`ah]

The evidence for it being recommended includes the hadith related by Hakim and Bayhaqi, from Abu Sa`id (Allah be pleased with him), Whoever recites Surat al-Kahf on Friday, light shall shine forth for him between the two Fridays. [Ibn Hajar, Talkhis al-Habir]

Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "There is such an hour on Friday that if any Muslim makes dua in it, his dua will definitely be accepted. " (Bukhari, Muslim) The ulama have differed in specifying that hour which has been mentioned in the Hadith . Shaykh Abdul Haq Muhaddith Dehlawi rahmatullahialayh has mentioned 40 different opinions in his book Sharh Sifrus Sa'aadah . However, from among all these opinions he has given preference to two opinions: (1) That time is from the commencement of the khutbah till the end of the salaat, (2) That time is towards the end of the day . A big group of ulama have given preference to this second opinion and there are many Ahadith which support this opinion . Shaykh Dehlawi rahmatullahialayh says that this narration is correct that Hadrat Fatimah radiallahuanha used to order her maid on Fridays to inform her when the day is about to end so that she could occupy herself in making zikr and duas. (Ash'atulLama'aat)

Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "Friday is the "mother" of all days and the most virtuous in the sight of Allah Ta'ala. In the sight of Allah Ta'ala it has more greatness than Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Ad'haa. " (Ibn Majah)

Rasulullah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: "The Muslim who passes away on the night or during the day of Friday, Allah Ta'ala saves him from the punishment of the grave . " (Tirmidhi)



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