Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) has said that on the day of judgement there will be some people who will have to go to Jahannam (Hell) because of their bad deeds.
However, from these people, there will be some who had the habit of saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before they did anything or entered anywhere.
Thus, when they will be taken to Jahannam (Hell) by the angels, they will be very sad but they will say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) Allah will tell the angels - "STOP"
Allah will tell them that He cannot let someone who says Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) calling Him Rahman and Rahim enter Jahannam (Hell).
However, from these people, there will be some who had the habit of saying Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) before they did anything or entered anywhere.
Thus, when they will be taken to Jahannam (Hell) by the angels, they will be very sad but they will say Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) Allah will tell the angels - "STOP"
Allah will tell them that He cannot let someone who says Bismillahirrahmanirrahim (In the name of Allah, the beneficent the merciful) calling Him Rahman and Rahim enter Jahannam (Hell).
One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay his way through school, found he had only one thin dime left, and he was hungry.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said..... "Then I thank you from my heart."
Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in a specialist to study her rare disease. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Finally business office pass the final bill to specialist for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent back.
When she got the bill, she feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.
She read these words..... "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Hasan Amin.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes.
He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. She thought he looked hungry so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"
"You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us never to accept pay for a kindness." He said..... "Then I thank you from my heart."
Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in a specialist to study her rare disease. After a long struggle, the battle was won. Finally business office pass the final bill to specialist for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent back.
When she got the bill, she feared to open it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill.
She read these words..... "Paid in full with one glass of milk"
(Signed) Dr. Hasan Amin.
Tears of joy flooded her eyes.
- "The world is divided into men who have wit and no religion and men who have religion and no wit.
- I prefer a short life with width to a narrow one with length"
- "Absence of understanding does not warrant absence of existence "
Abū ʿAlī al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAbd Allāh ibn Sīnā - Ibn Sina was born in 980 C.E. in the village of Afshana near Bukhara which today is located in the far south of Russia. His father, Abdullah, an adherent of the Ismaili sect, was from Balkh and his mother from a village near Bukhara.
In any age Ibn Sina, known in the West as Avicenna, would have been a giant among giants. He displayed exceptional intellectual prowess as a child and at the age of ten was already proficient in the Qur'an and the Arabic classics. During the next six years he devoted himself to Muslim Jurisprudence, Philosophy and Natural Science and studied Logic, Euclid, and the Almeagest.
Ibn Sīnā then studied medicine under a physician named Koushyar. He wrote almost 450 treatises on a wide range of subjects, of which around 240 have survived. In particular, 150 of his surviving treatises concentrate on philosophy and 40 of them concentrate on medicine. His most famous works are The Book of Healing, a vast philosophical and scientific encyclopaedia, and The Canon of Medicine, which was a standard medical text at many medieval universities. The Canon of Medicine was used as a text-book in the universities of Montpellier and Louvain as late as 1650. Ibn Sīnā's Canon of Medicine provides a complete system of medicine according to the principles of Galen (and Hippocrates).
He was also an astronomer, chemist, geologist, Hafiz, Islamic psychologist, Islamic scholar, Islamic theologian, logician, paleontologist, mathematician, Maktab teacher, physicist, poet, and scientist. He is regarded as the most famous and influential scientist of the Islamic Golden Age.
This legendary Persian physician became the most famous and influential of all the Islamic philosopher-scientists. He earned royal favour for treating the Kings of Bukhara and Hamadan for ailments other physicians could neither diagnose nor cure. His grave is still maintained in Hamadan, where he died in 1037. Though trained as a physician, Ibn Sina made important contributions to philosophy, mathematics, chemistry, and astronomy. His philosophical encyclopedia, Kitab al-Shifa ("Book of Healing") brought Aristotelian and Platonian philosophy together with Islamic theology in dividing the field of knowledge into theoretical knowledge (physics, mathematics, and metaphysics) and practical knowledge (ethics, economics, and politics).
He died in June 1037, in his fifty-eighth year, in the month of Ramadan and was buried in Hamadan, Iran.
Sources: -
The Islamic World 1600 -
Wikipedia -
Due to the overwhelming demand from Sami Yusuf fans in France, we are proud to announce an exclusive intimate concert in Paris, Le Bataclan.
Le Bataclan
50 Boulevard Voltaire
75011 Paris, France
75011 Paris, France
Coordonnées GPS 48.8630630 2.3708150
Le Bataclan
Exclusive Performing Arts Theater, Live Music Venue
The Bataclan is a "salle de spectacle" in the xie arrondissement of Paris. It was built in 1864 by the architect Charles Duval. Its name refers to Ba-Ta-Clan, an operetta by Offenbach.
1. The story began when I was a child; I was a son of a poor family in Africa. We did not even have enough food. Whenever meal times came, mother would often give me her portion of rice. While she was removing her rice into my bowl, she would say "Eat this rice, son. I'm not hungry". That was Mother's First Lie.
2. When I was growing up, my persevering mother gave her spare time to go fishing in a river near our house, she hoped that from the fish she caught, she could gave me a little bit of nutritious food for my growth. After fishing, she would cook some fresh fish soup, which raised my appetite. While I was eating the soup, mother would sit beside me and eat the rest of the fish, which was still on the bone of the fish I had eaten. My heart was touched when I saw that. I then used my chopstick and gave the other fish to her. But she immediately refused and said "Eat this fish, son. I don't really like fish." That was Mother's Second Lie.
3. Then, when I was in Junior High School...... to fund my studies, mother went to an economic enterprise to bring some used-match boxes that would need to be stuck together. It gave her some money to cover our needs. As the winter came, I woke up from my sleep and looked at my mother who was still awake, supported by a little candlelight and with perseverance she would continue the work of sticking some used-match boxes. I said, "Mother, go to sleep, it's late, tomorrow morning you still have to go to work." Mother smiled and said "Go to sleep, dear. I'm not tired." That was Mother's Third Lie.
4. The final term arrived.......mother asked for leave from work in order to accompany me. While the sun was starting to shine strongly, my persevering mother waited for me under the heat for several hours. As the bell rang, which indicated that the final exam had finished, mother immediately welcomed me and poured me a cup of tea that she had brought in a flask. Seeing my mother covered with perspiration, I at once gave her my cup and asked her to drink too. Mother said "Drink, son. I'm not thirsty ! ” That was Mother's Fourth Lie.
5. After the death of my father due to illness, my poor mother had to play her role as a single parent. She had to fund our needs alone. Our family's life was more complicated. No days without suffering. Our family's condition was getting worse, a kind uncle who lived near our house assisted now and then. Our neighbours, often advised my mother to marry again. But mother was stubborn and didn't take their advice; she said "I don't need love." That was Mother's Fifth Lie.
6. After I had finished my studies and got a job, it was the time for my old mother to retire. But she didn't want to; she would go to the marketplace every morning, just to sell some vegetables to fulfill her needs. I, who worked in another city, often sent her some money to help her, in fulfilling her needs, but she would not accept the money. At times, she even sent the money back to me. She said "I have enough money." That was Mother's Sixth Lie.
7. After graduating with a Bachelors Degree, I then continued to do a Masters Degree. It was funded by a company through a scholarship program, from a famous University in America. I finally worked in the company. With a good salary, I intended to bring my mother to enjoy her life in America. But my lovely mother didn't want to bother her son. She said to me, "I'm not use to." That was Mother's Seventh Lie.
8. In her old age, mother got stomach cancer and had to be hospitalized. I, who lived miles away, across the ocean, went home to visit my dearest mother. She lay in weakness on her bed after having an operation. Mother, who looked so old, was staring at me in deep thought. She tried to spread her smile on her face...but it was a noticeable effort. It was clear that the disease had weakened mother's body. She looked so frail and weak. I stared at my mother with tears flowing. My heart was hurt,….. so hurt, seeing my mother in that condition. But mother with the little strength she had, said "Don't cry, my dear. I'm not in pain." That was Mother's Eighth Lie. After saying her eighth lie, my Dearest mother closed her eyes forever !
Abdullah ibn Umar(radhiyallahu anhu), once saw a man from Yemen carrying his mother on his back and going around the Kaaba in his tawaaf. Rather than showing any sign of complaint, the man was happy, repeating a line of poetry in which he likened himself to a camel his mother was mounting. He looked at Abdullah ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and asked him. Whether by doing so he discharged his debt to his mother. Ibn Umar(R.A.) said: No, you have not even paid back one twinge of her labor pain when she gave birth to you."
Abdullah ibn Umar(radhiyallahu anhu), once saw a man from Yemen carrying his mother on his back and going around the Kaaba in his tawaaf. Rather than showing any sign of complaint, the man was happy, repeating a line of poetry in which he likened himself to a camel his mother was mounting. He looked at Abdullah ibn Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and asked him. Whether by doing so he discharged his debt to his mother. Ibn Umar(R.A.) said: No, you have not even paid back one twinge of her labor pain when she gave birth to you."
Taken from Inspirations Volume 4 (AL-Islaah Publications )
There a numbers of dua of healing in time of sickness, depress and other predicaments. 'Selawat' is a form of dua as 'Selawat' to Prophet Muhammad SAW bring lots of benefits and blessings to those who say it. Just like istighfar, tasbih, etc. 'Selawat' was also the practice of the salafusolleh. When digging the trench during the battle of Khandaq, the sahabahs also said 'Selawat' in abundance to raise the spirit of the Mujahideen.
Allah (swt) says in the Holy Qur’an:
"Verily Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet (saw). O, Believer! Send blessings upon him and salute him with a worthy salutation."
In the Holy Qur’an Allah (swt) has described the good qualities and praises of a number of Prophets; for instance, when Adam (as) was created all the angels were ordered to prostrate before him. Ibrahim (as) is described as Khalilullah. Friend of Allah. Various other Prophets have been mentioned with praises. However, our Prophet (saw) has been given a distinguished place by Almighty Allah in the Holy Qur’an, as evidenced by this verse:
Allah has asked the believers to honor His Messenger (saw), because He Himself is honoring the Prophet (saw). This is the utmost honor to our Messenger (saw), whose status is that of Leader of Apostles.
Dua for Healing (Shifa)
Allahumma salli 'ala Muhammad,
tibbil qulubi wa dawaaaeiha,
wa `afiyatil ajsaadi wa shifaaaeha,
wa nuril absori wa diyaaeiha,
tibbil qulubi wa dawaaaeiha,
wa `afiyatil ajsaadi wa shifaaaeha,
wa nuril absori wa diyaaeiha,
wa'ala alihi wasohbihi wabarikh wasallim..
O Allah! Send blessings on our leader Muhammad,
the medicine of hearts and their cure,
the health of bodies and their healing,
the light of eyes and their illumination,
and upon his family, companions, and send peace.
the medicine of hearts and their cure,
the health of bodies and their healing,
the light of eyes and their illumination,
and upon his family, companions, and send peace.
Listed below are just some of many benefits a person receives by reciting Salawat on Rasulullah SAW:
1. Almighty Allah sends ten mercies upon a person who recites Salawat once.
2. Ten of the reciter's sins are forgiven.
3. The person's rank is raised by ten degrees.
4. Ten rewards are written for the reciter.
5. There is acceptance of Du'a where Salawat is recited at the beginning and at the end.
6. The person will be blessed with the intercession of Rasulullah SAW on the Day of Judgement.
7. Almighty Allah will forgive the reciter's sins.
8. Almighty Allah is pleased with the reciter.
9. The person will be nearer to the Prophet Muhammad SAW on the Day of Judgement.
10. The person will have all his/her worries removed in this world and the Hereafter.
La Hawla Wala Quwata illa billahil Aliul Azeem
Etiquette of Istinjaa | | |
(1) In the toilet use water to purify the affected parts.
(2) Enter the toilet with the left foot and emerge with the right foot.
(3) Before entering the toilet recite the Masnoon Dua.
Similarly, recite the Masnoon Dua after having emerged.
(4) Do not enter the toilet bare-headed.
(5) Abstain from talking while in the toilet.
(6) Do not cough or clear the throat unnecessarily inside the toilet.
(7) Do not recite anything inside the toilet.
(8) Do not take into the toilet any paper or object on which is written an aayat of the Qur'aan, any Hadith, name of Allah or of an Angel, or Nabi. However, if such an item is wrapped in a cloth and kept in the pocket, then it will be permissible.
(prevention of loss or theft)
(9) It is Makrooh (detestable) to stand while urinating. However, this will be permissible for a valid reason.
(10) When relieving oneself in the toilet do not be entirely in the nude.
(11) Use the left hand when cleaning yourself in the toilet. It is Makrooh to use the right hand.
(12) Do not use cloth, writing paper, newspaper or any material the purpose of which is not for toilet use nor any impure object for cleansing oneself in the toilet. Istinjaa should be made with soft clay-stone which is absorbent and which has cleansing properties. (It is permissible to use toilet paper. - Translators).
(13) Do not face the Qiblah in the toilet nor have the back towards the Qiblah.
(14) When having to answer the call of nature in an open veld, etc., sit as concealed as possible and as far away from the gazes of people as possible. Do not expose yourself to others in the slightest way.
(15) Do not relieve yourself along the road nor in the shade of a tree. People taking rest under trees will be highly inconvenienced and put to difficulty.
(16) Do not urinate in a hole in the ground, for perhaps it is inhabited by some poisonous animals (snake, etc.) which may suddenly emerge.
(17) Do not urinate in stagnant water no matter how abundant it is.
(18) Do not urinate in such a place or in such a way that urine splashes against you. Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said that carelessness in this regard results in punishment in the grave.
(19) Do not urinate in the bathroom.
(20) When having to relieve yourself outside, do not face the sun and the moon nor against the wind.
(21) When going into the toilet remove your ring on which there is an inscription bearing the Name of Allah or of Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam).
A beautiful woman wanted to get married, but she wanted a very pious husband, so she said that she’ll marry the man who recites the whole Quran every single day, fasts for the whole year and stays awake and worships Allah all throughout the night.
One man stepped forward and said he could fulfil them. So the Imam got both of them married.
After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Quran, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint that her husband did not fulfil her condition of marriage and asked for a divorce.
The Judge asked, ‘ did you fulfil them? The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’
The judge answers, ‘you lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.
But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘did you recite the full Quran everyday?’ The man answered yes. The Judge, baffled asked, ‘how? How can you do that?’ The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’ The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘how did you fast the whole year?’ The man answered, ‘ I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’
The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘ how did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’ The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one, but the man, cool as a cucumber answered, ‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’
The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…
He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage’…
One man stepped forward and said he could fulfil them. So the Imam got both of them married.
After the first night of the marriage, the wife sees that the husband doesn’t recite the whole of the Quran, nor does he fast, nor does he stay awake in the worship of Allah, she decided to let it roll on for a few weeks to see if there were any changes, there weren’t, so she filed a complaint that her husband did not fulfil her condition of marriage and asked for a divorce.
The Judge asked, ‘ did you fulfil them? The man calmly answered, ‘…yes.’
The judge answers, ‘you lie, your wife has said that you don’t, that’s why she’s asking for a divorce’.
But the man insisted that he had fulfilled the conditions, so the judge asked, ‘did you recite the full Quran everyday?’ The man answered yes. The Judge, baffled asked, ‘how? How can you do that?’ The man coolly answered, ‘I recite Surah Ikhlas three times a day and according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), reciting Surah Ikhlas three times is equivalent to reciting the whole Quran.’ The Judge was intrigued, so he asked, ‘how did you fast the whole year?’ The man answered, ‘ I fasted for the whole month of Ramadan, then kept another six fasts in the month of Shawwal, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), keeping all of the fast of Ramadan then keeping six fasts in the month of Shawwal, is as if you have fasted for the whole year.’
The Judge remained silent, he couldn’t give a reply saying the man was wrong, so finally he asked, ‘ how did you stay awake all night and worship Allah, when your wife saw you sleeping?’ The Judge thought the man wouldn’t be able to answer this one, but the man, cool as a cucumber answered, ‘I prayed Salatul Isha with jamaat, then the next day prayed Salatul Fajr with jamaat, according to Prophet Muhammad (saw), the one who prays Salatul Isha and Salatul Fajr with jamaat, it is as if he had stayed up all night worshipping Allah.’
The Judge sat there looking at the man; the final verdict was about to be released…
He said to the man and his wife, ‘…go, just go, there is nothing wrong with this marriage’…
Posted by
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Labels: Inspirational Stories 0 commentsI saw you yesterday as you began your daily chores. You awoke without stopping to pray. As a matter of fact, you didn't even bless your meals, or pray before going to bed last night. You are so unthankful, I like that about you. I cannot tell you how glad I am that you have not changed your way of living, Fool, you are mine.
Remember, you and I have been going steady for years, and I still don't love you yet. As a matter of fact, I hate you, because I hate God. I am only using you to get even with God. He kicked me out of heaven, and I'm going to use you as long as possible to pay him back. You see, Fool, GOD LOVES YOU and HE has great plans in store for you. But you have yielded your life to me and I'm going to make your life a living hell. That way we'll be together twice. This will really hurt God. Thanks to you.
I'm really showing Him who's boss in your life. With all of the good times we've had..... We have been watching dirty movies, cursing people, out partying, stealing, lying, being hypocritical, indulging in fornication, overeating, telling dirty jokes, gossiping, back stabbing people, disrespecting adults and those in leadership position, NO respect for the mosque, bad attitudes: SURELY you don't want to give all this up.
Come on, Fool, let's burn together forever. I've got some hot plans for us. This is just a letter of appreciation from me to you. I'd like to say "Thanks!" for letting me use you for most of your foolish life. You are so gullible, I laugh at you. When you are tempted to sin, you give in HA HA HA, you make me sick. Sin is beginning to take its toll on your life. You look 20 years older, I need new blood. So go ahead and teach some children how to sin.
All you have to do is smoke, drink alcoholic beverages, cheat, gamble, gossip, fornicate, and listen to and dance to the top 10 jams. Do all of this in the presence of children and they will do it too. Kids are like that. Well, Fool, I have to let you go for now. I'll be back in a couple of seconds to tempt you again. If you were smart, you would run somewhere, confess your sins, ask forgiveness from Him, live for God with what little bit of life that you have left. It's not my nature to warn anyone, but to be your age and still sinning, it's becoming a bit ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, I still hate you...... IT'S JUST THAT YOU'D MAKE A BETTER FOOL FOR GOD.
source: Islamic
Today may I share with you my beautiful and happy feeling in occasion of Mother's Day. My children gave me a beautiful card (shall cherish it dear girls) and made me a video music (could not post it here, they are not wearing their hijab) singing their heart out. (I did not know that my girls have the talent of composing songs.) and as usual ended it with the Phineas and Ferb, mother song. (it is their theme song, they sing that song everyday... hu hu hu)
I wish all mothers shall be as happy as I am. I thank Allah SWT for these gifts. Thank Allah SWT for giving me the opportunity to become a mother to these children.
Nurul Iffah Alia accepting her academic's award for last year.
Nurul Sufina with her sister Alia after accepting her academic's award.
History's once glorious metropolises. A city becomes lost when it is abandoned by its inhabitants and left to decay. This can be the result of war, migration, or natural disaster, but in each case these cities can act as a sort of time capsule, leaving a civilization frozen in history and waiting to be discovered. While many of these cities have indeed been rediscovered, others have never been found and have taken on the status of legend.
1. Petra, Jordan
Country: Jordan Civilization: the Nabataeans
Inhabited: sixth century B.C.
This rose-colored city carved from cliffs garnered fame in the West thanks to the 1980s blockbuster Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.
2. Chichen Itza, Mexico
Country: Mexico Civilization: the Mayans
Inhabited: 600 to 1000 A.D.
Site of one of Mesoamerica's largest ball courts, this royal city is located near a massive underground cenote, or sinkhole, where the bodies of human sacrifices were dropped.
3. Derinkuyu Underground City, Turkey
Country: TurkeyCivilization: possibly the Phrygians
Inhabited: App. eighth century 10th century A.D.
This underground network has more than 10 floors and room for up to 50,000 people, plus livestock. It is rumored to have been a hideout for early Christians escaping Roman persecution.
4. Machu Picchu, Peru
Country: Peru
Civilization: the Incas
Inhabited: 15th and 16th centuries A.D.
Conquistadors carrying small pox wiped out the inhabitants of this royal mountaintop fortress, but the Lost City of the Incas was never actually discovered by the Spanish--in fact, it wasn't discovered until 1911.
5. Angkor, Cambodia
Country: Cambodia Civilization: the Khmer Empire
Inhabited: ninth century to 15th century A.D.
More than a thousand temples, including Angkor Wat, populate this long-time Khmer capital. It declined after a successful attack by invaders from what is now Thailand.
6. Pre-Roman Carthage, Tunisia
Country: Tunisia Civilization: the Phoenicians
Inhabited: 650 to 146 B.C.
Carthage was home to the Roman Empire's arch-nemesis, Hannibal. It was burned and the earth salted during the final Punic War.
7. Pompeii, Italy
Country: Italy Civilization: the Roman Empire
Inhabited: seventh/sixth century B.C. to 79 A.D.
Pompeii was a cultural center and vacation destination for Roman high society until it was destroyed in 79 A.D. by the eruption of Mount Vesuvius. Left behind are naturally ash-encased mummies.
8. Memphis, Egypt
Country: Egypt Civilization: the Ancient Egyptians
Inhabited: third millennium B.C. to seventh century A.D.
Located at the mouth of the Nile delta, Memphis thrived for centures as a center of trade, commerce, religion and royalty. Foreign invasions, including one by Alexander the Great, let to its demise.
9. Teotihuacan, Mexico
Country: Mexico Civilization: possibly the Totonac people
Inhabited: 100 B.C. to 250 A.D.
This city, the founders of which remain a mystery, is home to some of the largest pyramids in pre-Columbian America. It inspired several major empires, those of the Zapotec and Mayans.
10. Mosque City of Bagerhat, Bangladesh
Country: Bangladesh Civilization: Khan Jahan Ali
Inhabited: 15th century A.D.
The city formerly known as Khalifatabad was founded by a
Turkish general. It boasts more than 50 Islamic monuments and the Sixty Pillar Mosque, constructed with 60 pillars and 80 domes.