In the Name of Allah, the Most Merciful,

the Most Compassionate

Praise be to Allah, and may His peace and blessings be upon Muhammad,

and upon his family and companions, and all those who follow him

The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) said: “Whoever has PRIDE IN HIS HEART equal to the weight of a mustard seed shall not enter Paradise.”

Someone asked, “A person likes to wear beautiful clothes and fine shoes.” He replied, “Allah is beautiful and likes beauty. Pride means rejecting the truth and looking down on other People.” [Sahih Muslim].

It is no sin to wear beautiful things or to look good, but to have pride means to feel that one is superior to another because of the provisions that Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) has provided one with. It is Allah’s will who He decides to give what to in this world. It is not a sign of Allah’s pleasure or displeasure. The Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) told us that were this world the place of reward and punishment, the Kuffar would not be given even a sip of water to drink. Complete reward and punishment are reserved for the never ending hereafter. This worldly life is in its entirety a test. And what we are provided with in terms of family, wealth, health and opportunities are part of our question papers. What we do with them is our test.

Pride inflates a person’s ego to the extent that his/her rationality ceases to function. Abu Jahl’s denial of the prophethood of Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was because of pride in his clan and inter tribal rivalry with the Banu Hashim. He was one of the fiercest opponents of Islam till the day he died, despite believing that Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) was truly a prophet. The words of Abu Jahl in this regard are: “By God, I know that he is not a liar, but I cannot simply join him; my tribe (Bani Makhzoom) and his have always competed against one another. They took the responsibility of providing water for the pilgrims, so we took the responsibility of providing assistance. We host many with food and drink exactly as they do. Now that we are of an almost equal status, they say that amongst them is a prophet! That is too much to compete with!” So Abu Jahl rejected the prophethood of Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) to protect his pride, even if it meant going to hell for it. Thus we see how shortsighted pride makes a person.

The denial of Muhammad’s prophethood by the Bani Israel was also because of pride. They had been expecting the last prophet to come from the children of Ishaq (alaihis salaam) as all the other prophets of Bani Israel had. Instead, Muhammad (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) came from the descendants of Ismail (alaihis salam). Both were the sons of Ibraheem (alaihis salam) but from different mothers. The various Jewish tribes that had settled in Madina, leaving their lands of origin, had only done so because they were awaiting the arrival of the last prophet, and based on their scriptures they believed Madina to be the place of his arrival. But their pride in their lineage and their superiority complex over the Arabs caused them to reject the Prophet (sal Allahu alaihi wa sallam) when he did come, despite recognizing him better than they did their own families.

The shortsightedness that pride inspires causes one to overlook the most serious of consequences. What is most relevant for each of us is to investigate which truths we are denying or brushing aside because we don’t like the people who are the carriers of that truth or because we consider them to be beneath us.
Kindly view this inspiring video with an open heart and mind.  The Muslim and Christian brotherhood in Egypt.  A lesson we might want to learn.

Mr John Rees in London. 

The Age of Prophet Adam Alaihi Salaam is:   930 years

The Age of Prophet Noah-Nuh Alaihi Salaam is:   950 years

The Age of Prophet Shoaib Alaihi Salaam is:   882 years

The Age of Prophet Saleh - Saaleh Alaihi Salaam is:   586 years

The Age of Prophet Idris - Idrees Alaihi Salaam is:   356 years

The Age of Prophet Hud Alaihi Salaam is:   265 years

The Age of Prophet Prophet Zakariya Alaihi Salaam is:   207 years

The Age of Prophet Ibrahim Alaihi Salaam is:   195 years

The Prophet Sulaiman - Solomon Alaihi Salaam is:   150 years

The Age of Prophet Ayyub - Ayyoob Alaihi Salaam is:   146 years

The Age of Prophet Ya'qub - Ya'qoob Alaihi Salaam is:   139 years

The Prophet Ishmael – Ismail Alaihi Salaam is:   137 years

The Prophet Musa - Moses Alaihi Salaam is:   125 years

The Age of Prophet Ya'qub - Ya'qoob Alaihi Salaam is:   139 years

The Age of Prophet Ishaq - Ishaaq Alaihi Salaam is:   120 years

The Age of Prophet Harun - Haaroon Alaihi Salaam is:   119 years

The Age of Prophet Yusuf Alaihi Salaam is:   110 years

The Age of Prophet Yahya Alaihi Salaam is:   95 years

The Age of Last Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam is: Sixty-three (63) years   
O believers, when the call is proclaimed for the prayer on Friday, come to the remembrance of Allah and leave off business, that is better for you if you but did know." [Al-Jumuah, 62:9] Purifying and cleaning oneself
The person intending to perform Salat al-Jumuah is highly encouraged to have ghusl (full bath or shower). The majority of the scholars are of the opinion that the ghusl for Salat a-Jumuah is recommended (sunnah) but not obligatory. The ghusl is performed starting from the time of Fajr Prayer. Also, if a person performs ghusl and then later invalidates his ablution, he need not repeat the ghusl. Making ablution (wudhu) suffices. Furthermore, one ghusl may be used for removing sexual defilement (janabah) and for Salat al-Jumuah.
Going early to the masjid
There is a great reward in going early to Salat al-Jumuah, beginning after sunrise. By leaving for Salat al-Jumuah, one gets the reward of waiting for the Prayer, making dhikr (remembering Allah) and voluntary prayers during that time. Abu Umamah narrated that the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said, "The angels sit at the doors to the Masjids and with them are scrolls in which they record the people [who come]. When the Imam appears, the scrolls are rolled up." Abu Umamah was asked, "Does the one who comes after the Imam still have a Friday Prayer?" he said, "Certainly, but he is not one of those who is recorded [as coming early]." [Ahmad and al-Tabarani]
Dressing well for Salat al-Jumuah
This is a special time that requires Muslims to appear in the best manner possible. One should therefore put on his best attire for Salat al-Jumuah.
The Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) said, "If one has the means, he should buy two pieces of clothing, other than his work clothes or [everyday clothing], to wear on Friday." [Abu Dawud]
Performing tahiyyat al-Masjid
If a person comes late to the Friday Prayer while the Imam is delivering the khutbah, should he pray the two rak`ahs of tahiyyat al-Masjid (prayer of greeting the mosque) and the sit or should he simply skip them? The strongest opinion is to perform the tahiyyat al-Masjid based on the Hadith of the Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam): "If one of you comes to the Masjid, he should pray two rak`ahs before he sits" [Al-Bukhari and Muslim]. However, tahiyyat al-Masjid is not required of the person giving the khutbah. Also, this requirement is limited only to prayers offered in a Masjid.
  1. Walking to the Masjid whenever feasible as there is a reward for every step taken to the Masjid.
  2. Avoiding stepping over people to get to a particular spot in the Masjid.
  3. Avoiding dividing two people who are sitting together.
  4. Not making someone stand and taking his place.
  5. Not clasping one’s hands and intertwining one’s fingers while waiting for the prayer.
  6. Sitting in the front rows and close to the Imam whenever possible.
  7. Remaining quiet while the Imam is delivering the khutbah. This actually includes listening to the Imam and not playing with anything while the Imam is speaking.
  8. Going to the Masjid in a state of calmness and not being hurried.
  9. Reciting surah al-Kahf (surah 18) as an authentic Hadith states: "For whoever recites surah al-Kahf on Friday, it will be a light for him from that Friday to the next." [Al-Bayahaqi and Al-Hakim] The surah could be read any time of the day.
Indeed, Salat al-Jumuah is one of the most important acts of worship in Islam. The Prophet (sallallahu `alaihi wa sallam) has described the wonderful blessings and benefits that Allah has vouchsafed upon Muslims through this magnificent act. Knowing how important this prayer is in Allah’s sight, Muslims must do their best to perform it in the best way possible. They should strive and sacrifice for the sake of this Prayer.


بِسْــــمِ ﷲِالرَّحْمَنِ الرَّحِيم

اَلسَّلاَمُ عَ...لَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ

SIAPA YANG MENGGUNAKAN PERKATAAN "SALAM"? apakah maksud disebaliknya??

Maka berpalinglah (hai Muhammad) dari mereka dan katakanlah:"Salam (selamat tinggal)".

Kelak mereka akan mengetahui (nasib mereka yangburuk). (QS. 43:89)


Ilmu utk dikongsi bersama. Sekadar peringatan untuk semua rakan-rakan muslim yang lain.

Pagi semalam saya dengar radio ikim (91.50 fm). Ustaz Zawawi ada cerita tentang sunnah Rasulallah s.a.w. Antara yang dibincangkannya ialah tentang bab cara memberi salam.

Menurut ustaz Zawawi Yusof, Baginda SAW memberi salam dengan lafaz“Assalamualaikum” dan menjawab salam dari para sahabat baginda dengan salam yang lengkap iaitu “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahhi wabarakatuh”

Ringkasnya, baginda SAW akan ;Beri salam dengan ucapan - “Assalamualaikum”

dan…Jawab salam - “Waalaikumussalam warahmatulallahi wabarakatuh”

Lagi satu, perlu diingatkan juga semasa menjawab salam,

saya dengar ramai orang jawab salam dengan ucapan yang tidak tepat.

Jawab salam yang betul ialah ;
“WAALAI KUMUS SALAM”dan bukannya yang selalu saya dengar iaitu ;


Apabila kita ingin berkirim salam pada orang lain, hendaklah kita berkata

“Kirim salam, assalamualaikum pada ASHREE ye” contoh lerr…

Dan bukannya : “Kirim salam kat ASHREE yer”

Dan jangan pula memandai-mandai tambah perkataan seperti ” Ko tolong kirim salam maut kat dia yer“.
Statement ini walaupun dalam nada bergurau, tapi ia adalah menyalahi syariat dan berdosa, walaupun sekadar gurauan!

Selain itu, janganlah kita menggantikan perkataan “Assalamualaikum” dengan“A’kum” dalam sms atau apa sekalipun melalui tulisan.

Jika perkataan “Assalamualaikum” itu panjang, maka hendaklah kita ganti dengan perkataan “As Salam” yang membawa maksud sama dengan “Assalamualaikum”.

Sesama lah kita memberitahu member-member yang selalu sangat guna shortform“A’kum” dalam sms ataupun email. Perkataan ‘AKUM‘ adalah gelaran untuk orang-orang Yahudi untuk orang-orang bukan yahudi yang bermaksud‘BINATANG‘ dalam Bahasa Ibrani.

Ia singkatan daripada perkataan ‘Avde Kokhavim U Mazzalot’ yang bermaksud ‘HAMBA-HAMBA BINATANG DAN ORANG-ORANG SESAT‘.

Jadi, mulai sekarang jika ada orang hantar shortform “A’kum“, kita ingatkan dia guna “As Salam” kerana salam ialah dari perkataan “Assalamualaikum“.

* Jangan guna “Bye” kerana“Bye” adalah jarum sulit Kristian yang bermaksud “Di Bawah Naungan Pope.”

* Jangan guna “A’kum” kerana“A’kum” bermaksud “Binatang” dalam bahasa Yahudi.

* Jangan guna “Semekom” kerana“Semekom”bermaksud “Celaka Kamu.”Gunakan perkataan “ As Salam” sebagai singkatan bagi“Assalammualaikum.”

Tolong tag kepada umat Islam yang lain , untuk elakkan diri daripada membuat dosa..

Sekian, semoga ada manfaatnya.   Allahualam.
Ya Rasullallah
Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini
Andai Dapat Kutatap Wajahmu
Kan Pasti Mengalir Air Mataku
Kerna Pancaran Ketenanganmu

Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini
Andai Dapat Kukucup Tanganmu
Moga Mengalir Keberkatan Dalam Diriku
Untuk Mengikut Jejak Langkahmu

Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Tak Pernah KuTatap Wajahmu
Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Kami Rindu Padamu

Allahumma Solli Ala Muhammad
Ya Rabbi Solli Alaihi Wasallim (2x)

Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini
Andai Dapatku Dakap Dirimu
Tiada Kata Yang dapat Aku Ucapkan
Hanya Tuhan Saja Yang Tahu

Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Tak Pernah Ku Tatap Wajahmu
Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Kami Rindu Padamu

Ku Tahu Cintamu Kepada Umat
Ummati Ummati
Kutahu bimbangnya Kau Tentang Kami
Syafaat Kan Kami

Alangkah Indahnya Hidup Ini
Andai Dapat kutatap Wajahmu
Kan Pasti Mengalir Air Mataku
Kerna Pancaran Ketenanganmu

Allahumma Solli Ala Muhammad
Ya Rabbi Solli Alaihi Wasallim (2x)

Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Terimalah Kami Sebagai Umatmu
Ya Rasulallah Ya Habiballah
Kurniakanlah Syafaatmu

Allahumma Solli Ala Muhammad
Ya Rabbi Solli Alaihi Wasallim (2x)

Oh Messenger of Allah
How beautiful this life would be
If I could see your face
I'm sure there would be tears in my eyes
Because of your radiance of calmness
How beautiful this life would be
If I could kiss your hand
May you bestow your blessings in me
So I may follow in your footsteps

Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
I have never seen you.
Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
We miss you

Oh Allah, shower peace and blessings upon (Prophet) Muhammad (SAW)
O My Lord (convey on my behalf) salutations and salam (to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW))(x2)

How beautiful this life would be
If I could embrace you
I would be too lost for words
Only Allah knows how I would feel

Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
I have never seen you.
Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
We miss you

I know your love for the ummah
For your followers
I know how worried you are for us
Please pray for us

How beautiful this life would be
If I could see your face
I'm sure there would be tears in my eyes
Because of your radiance of calmness

Oh Allah, shower peace and blessings upon (Prophet) Muhammad (SAW)
O My Lord (convey on my behalf) salutations and salam (to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW))

Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
Accept us as part of your ummah
Oh Messenger of Allah. Oh Love of Allah
Bestow us your prayers

Oh Allah, shower peace and blessings upon (Prophet) Muhammad (SAW)
O My Lord (convey on my behalf) salutations and salam (to the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

You are the hope for our globe

Don't give up nor despair
...There's nothing you can't repair

You can change this world to a better world
With your souls, with your souls

Do not harm me, I am your truth
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth

I am your hope, I am your truth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth

Bil-qawli wal amal, Antumul amal
(With words and action, You are the hope)

Salimhum Ya Rabb, Salimhum Ya Rabb
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)

Bil-ilmi wal-qalam, Yudfa'u al-Alam
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)

La tansani ana dhamiruk, La tu'zini ana shababuk
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)

Song Name: "I'm Your Hope"
Produced by: Sami Yusuf
Lyrics: Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
Mixed and Mastered at Andante Studios

Maulidur Rasul (dalam bahasa Arab bermaksud kelahiran Rasul) adalah hari bersejarah keputeraan Nabi Muhammad. Hari ini jatuh pada hari ke-12 bulan Rabiul Awal sempena kelahiran Nabi yang jatuh pada pada Isnin ( Dari hadith riwayat Muslim, 8/25 ) 12 Rabiul Awal Tahun Gajah bersamaan dengan 23 April 571. Baginda adalah nabi terakhir yang diutus oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala. Tapak kelahiran baginda pula kini mempunyai satu bangunan kecil yang dikenali sebagai Maulid Nabi.

Setiap tahun pada hari itu, umat Islam di seluruh dunia akan mengadakan majlis memperingati keputeraan Nabi Muhammad s.a.w dengan mengadakan beberapa acara seperti perarakan, ceramah dan sebagainya. Banyak kelebihan dan keistimewaan yang akan dikurniakan oleh Allah Subhanahu Wataala kepada mereka yang dapat mengadakan atau menghadiri majlis Maulidur Rasul.

Kita dapat lihat betapa besarnya kelebihan orang yang memuliakan majlis keputeraan Nabi Muhammad Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam, kerana bila berniat sahaja hendak mengadakan Maulud Nabi, sudah pun dikira mendapat pahala dan dimuliakan. Sememangnya bernazar untuk melakukan sesuatu yang baik merupakan doa dan dikira amal salih.

Jelas kepada kita bahawa pembalasan Allah Subhanahu Wataala terhadap kebaikan begitu cepat sehinggakan terdetik sahaja di hati hendak berbuat kebaikan, sudah Allah Subhanahu Wataala akan memberi pembalasan yang tiada ternilai. Seseorang yang beriman, kuat bersandar kepada Allah, ketika di dalam kesusahan dia tetap tenang dan hatinya hanya mengadu kepada Allah dan mengharapkan pertolongan dan kasih sayang Allah Subhanahu Wataala.

Keberkatan mengadakan Majlis Maulud itu bukan sahaja didapati oleh orang yang mengadakan majlis itu, tetapi seluruh ahli rumah atau orang yang tinggal di tempat itu turut mendapat keberkatannya.


Mawlid (Milād an-Nabī) (Qur'anic Arabic: مَوْلِدُ النَبِيِّmawlid(u) (n-)nabiyy(i), “Birth of the Prophet” Standard Arabic: مولد النبي mawlid an-nabī, sometimes simply called in colloquial Arabic مولد , mawlid, mevlid, mevlit, mulud, milad among other vernacular pronunciations) is a term used to refer to the observance of the birthday of the Islamic prophet Muhammad SAW. Mawlid falls in the month of Rabi' al-awwal in the Islamic calendar.

If you have food in the refrigerator, clothes on your back, a roof overhead and a place to sleep... you are richer than 75% of this world.

If you have money in the bank, in your wallet, and spare change in a dish someplace ... you are among the top 8% of the world's wealthy.

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness ... you are more blessed than the million who will not survive this week.

If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of imprisonment, the agony of torture, or the pangs of starvation... you are ahead of 500 million people in the world.

If you can pray in a mosque without fear of harassment, arrest, torture, or death ... you are more blessed than three billion people in the world.

If your parents are still alive and still married... you can be counted amongst the very few.

If you hold up your head with a smile on your face and are truly thankful... you are blessed because the majority can, but most do not.

If you can read this message, you just received a double blessing in that someone was thinking of you, and furthermore, you are more blessed than over two billion people in the world that cannot read at all.

Count your blessings and thank Almighty ALLAH.

Author: Unknown